Most used car buyers in Nova Scotia who want to Finance are interested in a payment around $249 bi weekly. Carisma has cars that can be Financed in that payment range.
A more affordable car like a Compact Hatchback, for example, can often be Financed for around $249 bi-weekly over 2 years. A mid sized sedan probably 3 years and a compact SUV or a good used Pickup is likely going to be over 4 years in that Payment Range.
The Interest Rate depends on You. People with good credit get better interest rates than people with bad credit. Carisma uses the same lenders big Used Car dealers use. We do business in person, by appointment, so if you'd like to Apply, select the kind of Loan you want, have your cash deposit and other info ready and Book Your Appointment.
LendCare offers financing oac for 2 to 7 years oac to people with good credit buying any used car 2006 +up. Challenged credit at higher rates. Bring your Drivers License, Proof of Insurace (existing car) Down Payment/Application Fee ($1,000 minimum) and 2 most recent Paystubs to your Appointment. LendCare has a $799 Admin Fee. All Lenders have Lien Registration Fees.
East Coast Credit Union offers "bank rates" oac and terms up to 5 years for "late model" cars (2019 and newer). Bring your Drivers License, Proof of Insurace (existing car) Down Payment/Application Fee ($1,000 minimum) and your 2 most recent Paystubs to your Application Appointment. Rates are subject to change and depend on amount borrowed and your credit.
You can Finance an Extended Warranty at Carisma. Lubrico Limited Superior Warranty Protection covers 100's of items from starter to alternator to air conditioning, engine, transmission and more for up to 3 years.
Maybe you'd like to upgrade to new Alloys or add an extra set of winter wheels & tires.
Find out if you qualify to borrow up to $10,000 oac without any obligation. Will not affect your credit score.
"Good Credit" generally means
Unsure? - Review your credit report at Equifax or Transunion before doing business with us, as Carisma can't guarantee your credit will result in an approval.
Carisma doesn't work for free, so if we are going to help you try to arrange Financing for a car you buy from us, we will get paid for the time we spend doing that. If your Loan Application is Approved, the $1,000 Deposit will be deducted from the Total on the Bill of Sale. If your Loan Application is Not Approved, Deposits are Non-Refundable. However, you will receive a $500 Carisma Credit you can use on a car you buy from us later.
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